Fall Semester 2018
Learning Domains Addressed
o Education
o Assessment & Evaluation
Learning Outcomes
Student will be able to participate in a professional research symposium, presenting their
research poster for an extended period of time.
Student will be able to actively engage visiting students, faculty, and participants who have come to viewing, and as a result, be able to demonstrate their knowledge of the subject matter.
Student will be able to connect with other student affair students and professionals, staff and faculty, and build their existing network.
Assessment Rubric
Presented research 3 or more times, and engaged viewers in Q & A for more than 1 question. Offered 3 or more suggestions for future research based on personal inferences about the research, and feedback received from participants who visited the poster. Created 3 or more new connections with student professional presenter from outside programs.
Presented research 2 times, and engage viewers in Q & A for at least 1 question. Offered 2 suggestions for future research based on personal inferences about the research, and feedback received from participants who visited the poster. Created 2 new connections with student professional presenter from outside programs.
Present research 1 time, and engage viewers in Q & A for at least 1 question. Offer 1 suggestion for future research based on personal inferences about the research, and feedback received from participants who visited the poster. Create at least 1 new connection with student professional presenter from outside programs.
Did not present research 1 time, and did not engage viewers in Q & A for at least 1 question. Could not offer 1 suggestion for future research based on personal inferences about the research, and did not receive feedback from participants who visited the poster. Did not create at least 1 new connection with student professionals presenter from outside.
This picture was taken in front of our research post.
From left to right: Hnou, myself, Teresa, Maisune, Kimmy, Ricardo
This was my third research symposium. The first one I attended was before I was in the program. It was a great opportunity to see what the program and faculty valued. The second symposium I attended was during my first year in the program. I wrote about this experience, but as a refresher, the main purpose of the experience was networking and checking in with the doctoral students. This year was different because I was not a spectator, I was directly involved as a presenter. Our group did great research on the "parent - student commuter experience". It was a great topic of interest because all of the different identities and issues the group encompasses.
What was difficult about presenting was how long the gap was between doing the research and the symposium. Months had gone by and the program continued to get busy so there was only a bit of time for review. I had great conversations with people who were presenting who were not apart of the program. I remember one student in particular did research with students from different countries including England, Germany, Japan and others. Listening to the student talk about the logistics behind that project was fascinating.
I was proud to see the class presenting their research. This was another example of how fast the time has passed during the program. The other example of this would be Maywood, and both were so close together that it was worth stepping back from and reflecting on. Next will be rites of passage and then there will be graduation. That is what this research symposium was more than anything; it was a reminder that one by one these events are being checked off and passing quickly.