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Student Project Showcase & Research Symposium 2017


Updated: May 25, 2019


Fall Semester 2017

Learning Domains Addressed

o Education

o Assessment & Evaluation

Learning Outcomes

Student will be able to participate in a professional research symposium, and expand their network of other professionals through one-on-one and group interactions.

Student will be able to view and comprehend qualitative and quantitative research posters presented by Doctoral students and other Graduate students, and gain a greater understanding of the research process leading up to the symposium.

Student will be able to begin formulating their own ideas and methods for research through targeted and inquisitive conversations with presenters.

Assessment Rubric


Seek out and speak with 5 or more professionals outside of their presentation.

View 6 or more presentations, including 3 quantitative and 3 qualitative, and spend 7-10 minutes with each.

Actively recognize themes and methods of interest from all visited presentations and leave with the beginning idea of what the future research will be.


Seek out and speak with 3 other professionals outside of their presentation.

View four research presentations, including 2 quantitate and 2 qualitative, and spend 5-7 minutes with each.

Actively recognize themes and methods of interest from all visited presentations that can be implemented in future research.


Seek out and speak with 1 other professional outside of their presentation.

View 2 research presentations, 1 quantitative and 1 qualitative, spend 5 minutes with each.

Recognize themes and methods of interest from at least one presenter that can be implemented in future research.


Did not seek out or speak with any professionals outside of their presentation.

Viewed 1 or less research presentation, spent less than 5 minutes with presenter.

Failed to recognize themes and methods of interest that can be implemented in future research.


To confirm my participation in the symposium, all of Cohort 10 was responsible for arriving at or before 4:30pm and signing in at the front desk, where we received our name badge. In addition, multiple faculties’ members were present and actively engaging students as well as presenters throughout the course of the event. In addition, I also have provided a card I received from a presenter I spent a significant amount of time with, Dr. Kenneth Robinson who is actively building a business in leadership and education.


I believe the symposium is one of the most important productions of the program. I had the opportunity to attend last year as an outsider, and really tried to soak up as much as I could from presenters and faculty alike. This year however, I was coming into the symposium as an active member of Cohort 10 so I had to opportunity to see it from a different and more in depth angle. Next year, when I am one of the presenters, I will then have the opportunity to see it from yet another angle, so I am incredibly excited about that.

Last year what I remember most was just how esteemed the whole event felt. The large and encompassing ball room styled venue was filled with several groups of people who had Doctor in front of their title, and the students presenting all seemed to have clear plans to join them. There was a feast and a panel of three doctoral students sharing some incredibly in depth research, and afterwards there was time for some Q & A with the audience.

This year ran very much like last years with the exception of my own perspective. Instead of paying so much attention to the esthetic of the evening I was far more focused on the presenters themselves and the posters they were sharing which exhibited their own work and research. I spent my entire time on with the Doctoral students and their research. In my eyes, knowing I was going to be one of the graduate students next year who were presenting, I felt drawn more towards to qualitative and quantitative research being presented at the doctoral level.

Many of the future Ed.D’s were gracious and passionate hosts, sharing research on educational /organizational leadership, social justice orientated themes like support for undocumented Asian/pacific islanders and educational concerns like the integration of technology into the community college system. I was lucky enough to have plenty of time with each presenter, and asked numerous questions about why they chose they’re topic, and how they went about researching it. I believe the experience was edifying and I did receive some cards and contacts that I plan on reaching out to when it comes time to conduct my own research.

Next year when I am a presenter of my own, I do hope that my research is credibly and sufficient, but more importantly I want to have the type of expertise on my subject that the Doctoral students had, so that I may to be of service for incoming and aspiring students. I also look forward to seeing a student panel consisting of individuals I know and have worked with in the future, and looking at the type of response they get from the audience. When conducting this research one would likely benefit from understanding their work will be appreciated and utilized, so looking into the future I hope to see that occur.

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