Summer Semester 2018
Learning Domains Addressed
o Social Justice and Advocacy
o Education
Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to participate in a professional guided tour, and will demonstrate a basic understanding of circumstances that lead to the Holocaust.
Students will be able to engage in meaningful group discussions after the tour and draw possible parallels with the modern political landscape.
Students will be able to listen to a Holocaust survivor speak and engage in critical discussions with the speaker, learning first hand experiences and strategies used to over
come the challenges.
Assessment Rubric
After the tour, the student will recall and describe at 5 or more major event that lead to the Holocaust.
After the tour, the student engaged with 7 or more classmates and described 3 or more parallels they could draw from the events of the Holocaust and the modern political landscape.
During the question period of the speakers lecture - or after during the one on one greeting period, the student engaged with at least 3 questions and could identify 3 or more strategies the speaker used to over their challenges.
After the tour, the student will recall and describe at 3 major event that lead to the Holocaust.
After the tour, the student engaged with at least 5 classmates and described 2 parallels they could draw from the events of the Holocaust and the modern political landscape.
During the question period of the speakers lecture - or after during the one on one greeting period, the student engaged with at least 2 questions and could identify 2 strategies the speaker used to over their challenges.
After the tour, the student will recall and describe at least 1 major event that lead to the Holocaust.
After the tour, the student engaged with at least 2 classmates and described 1 parallel they could draw with the events of the Holocaust and the modern political landscape.
During the question period of the speakers lecture - or after during the one on one greeting period, the student engaged with at least 1 question and could identify 1 strategy the speaker used to over their challenges.
After the tour, the student is not able to recall and describe at least 1 major event that lead to the Holocaust.
After the tour, the student engaged with 1 or no classmates and could not describe at least 1 parallel they could draw with the events of the Holocaust and the modern political landscape.
During the question period of the speakers lecture - or after during the one on one greeting period, the student did not engage with at least 1 question and failed to identify 1 strategy the speaker used to over their challenges.
To confirm my participation in the tour of Los Angeles Museum of Holocaust on June 16th, 2018, here is a picture of myself and Cohort 10 posing for a picture with our honored speaker who survived the Holocaust. This was taken after the speech and Q & A time as the speaker was gracious enough to spend extra time answering more of our questions and giving us advice about a myriad of subjects including the Holocaust, politics and life.
This was a special experience for me because as a child my Grandmother, who was a young woman during the Holocaust, found it very important to teach me as much as she could about the horrific acts that occurred. I know during our tour the guide mentioned how she kept certain parts of the tour from children who would come, and while I understood that, I appreciate that my grandmother did not hold these things back from me. She would have me watch documentaries and read books on World War 2 and the geopolitical climate of the time and ask me to really think deeply about how it made me feel.
Being able to meet our guest speaker, and being able to look into his eyes when he spoke was a life long goal and it was all I could ever wish for. The speakers emotion and heartfelt honesty brought me back to his experiences and made me feel them like a book, or a picture, or a documentary never could. I remember him explaining the hiding places he and his family would have to crouch in for hours at a time, and I remember him running into the woods thinking that the SS had caught his mother and taken her away (I am thankful they did not). I also remember the 30 yard stare he would get when he spoke about these things and I was blessed that he had gotten to the point in his life where he could at least admit he had suppressed them for so long. I could feel the weight of it all hovering over him and it just made me so proud of him as an individual for doing his best to overcome it. Finally, a life long dream, I remember after his speech, a simple one minute conversation and the opportunity to shake his hand. That is all I ever wanted. This experience was a true blessing and I am thankful for it.